Do you have an old photo that you would like restored? Or you thought, that's a great picture of ________, I would love to have her in a photo by herself. I can help you with these scenerios. Below are photos that I've restored or taken unwanted elements out.

I took the creases/cracks out of the photo and straightened it.

The gentleman looked as though the tree was growing from his head. I gave a little separation between the tree and his head.

This couple needed to have their individual pictures. I reconstructed the left shoulder on the gentleman. On the wife’s photo, I gave her a background after taking the husband out of the photo.

Removed elements from the background.

Cleaned-up the vertical line over the ear to the shoulder. Adjusted the color.

Removed the cigarette from his mouth and the person from his side and shoulder.

Removed the surrounding people and adjusted the color.